Bot disconnected and can't set bot anymore

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Bot disconnected and can't set bot anymore

The bot is disconnected but I can't now remove him from TS cause the website won't load the settings editor. Please help me to fix this.

Kinds Regards

Bild des Benutzers BoKo
Hello Joentje1977, the

Hello Joentje1977,

the problem i see in your log file is, that the bot moved to much clients at the same second, this caused a flood ban on the Teamspeak Server.

The only thing you can do is wait until the Teamspeak Server deletes the ban, normally up to 10 minutes.

20:51:37 ServerQuery Error 3331 @ moveClient(): flood ban - Client ID: 527

20:51:37 bot598: Client status of "[??�] ~Cpunke®s~� (Dima)" is muted, client was moved!

20:51:37 bot598: Client status of "|¤©¤|aras�" is away, client was moved!

20:51:37 bot598: Client status of "(+²)°HUBERTO" is muted, client was moved!

20:51:37 bot598: Client status of "[PR0 ] Bossmathys" is muted, client was moved!

20:51:37 bot598: Client status of "|�Æ|DOBERMANN sell magnus 170" is muted, client was moved!

Viele Grüße
BoKo | Team

Joentje1977 (nicht überprüft)
Bild des Benutzers Gast

But how can the bot won't be banned for flooding? Is it posssible to set a group for the bot so he isn't be able to be banned?
It's real strange.

Kind regards

Bild des Benutzers BoKo
The only way is to set an

The only way is to set an whitelist entry for our Bot Server on your Teamspeak Server, if you are able to do so.

We are actually working to improve the mode without whitelist entry.

Normally the Bot don´t get banned, why are so much moves at the same time on your server, how much people are online there ?


Viele Grüße
BoKo | Team

Joentje1977 (nicht überprüft)
Bild des Benutzers Gast
There are 104 people online.

There are 104 people online. At the time the bot comes online there were a lot people away. The problem is I don't know if possible to make a special group for the bot so he don't be banned from TS. I give him the power he can't be banned. But I don't know how to set the bot cause I don't know his unique ID to give him thoose permissions.

Bild des Benutzers Stefan1200
The only way to prevent the

The only way to prevent the bot being banned is to add the IP address to the query_ip_whitelist.txt file of the TS3 root directory.

This is only possible if you have access to the server where the TS3 service is running. If you rented the server and if you have luck, you are able to write the IP address to the support of your hoster, they may add that IP address.