Bot Startet nicht richtig

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Gast (not verified)
Gast's picture
Bot Startet nicht richtig

Dies ist der Log : 28.06.15 18:01:18 Virtual bot instance stopped
28.06.15 18:01:18 Critical: Error while getting channel list!
28.06.15 18:01:18 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 25
28.06.15 18:01:18 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:01:18 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
28.06.15 18:01:18 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:01:18 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
28.06.15 18:01:18 Warning: Unable to receive channel chat messages!
28.06.15 18:01:18 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:01:18 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:01:18 Warning: Unable to see joining players! Welcome message, server group notify and auto move disabled!
28.06.15 18:01:06 Successful selected virtual server on port 9987!
28.06.15 18:01:05 Warning: Unable to receive permission list! If wanted, set permission b_serverinstance_permission_list.
28.06.15 18:01:05 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 6
28.06.15 18:01:05 Login as "Ts3Bot" successful!
28.06.15 18:01:05 Successful connected to!
28.06.15 18:01:05 Slow mode activated (using less commands at once)
28.06.15 18:01:05 Virtual bot instance "bot17133" starts now
28.06.15 18:00:54 Virtual bot instance stopped
28.06.15 18:00:54 Critical: Error while getting channel list!
28.06.15 18:00:54 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 25
28.06.15 18:00:54 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
28.06.15 18:00:54 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:54 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
28.06.15 18:00:54 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:54 Warning: Unable to receive channel chat messages!
28.06.15 18:00:54 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:54 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:54 Warning: Unable to see joining players! Welcome message, server group notify and auto move disabled!
28.06.15 18:00:42 Successful selected virtual server on port 9987!
28.06.15 18:00:42 Warning: Unable to receive permission list! If wanted, set permission b_serverinstance_permission_list.
28.06.15 18:00:42 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 6
28.06.15 18:00:42 Login as "Ts3Bot" successful!
28.06.15 18:00:41 Successful connected to!
28.06.15 18:00:41 Slow mode activated (using less commands at once)
28.06.15 18:00:41 Virtual bot instance "bot17133" starts now
28.06.15 18:00:17 Virtual bot instance stopped
28.06.15 18:00:17 Critical: Error while getting channel list!
28.06.15 18:00:17 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 25
28.06.15 18:00:17 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
28.06.15 18:00:17 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:17 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
28.06.15 18:00:17 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:17 Warning: Unable to receive channel chat messages!
28.06.15 18:00:17 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:17 Warning: Unable to see joining players! Welcome message, server group notify and auto move disabled!
28.06.15 18:00:17 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
28.06.15 18:00:05 Successful selected virtual server on port 9987!
28.06.15 18:00:05 Warning: Unable to receive permission list! If wanted, set permission b_serverinstance_permission_list.
28.06.15 18:00:05 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 6
28.06.15 18:00:05 Login as "Ts3Bot" successful!
28.06.15 18:00:05 Successful connected to!
28.06.15 18:00:04 Slow mode activated (using less commands at once)
28.06.15 18:00:04 Virtual bot instance "bot17133" starts now
26.06.15 17:06:05 Virtual bot instance stopped
26.06.15 17:06:04 Critical: Error while getting channel list!
26.06.15 17:06:04 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 25
26.06.15 17:06:04 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
26.06.15 17:06:04 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
26.06.15 17:06:04 Warning: Unable to receive private chat messages!
26.06.15 17:06:04 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
26.06.15 17:06:04 Warning: Unable to receive channel chat messages!
26.06.15 17:06:04 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
26.06.15 17:06:04 Warning: Unable to see joining players! Welcome message, server group notify and auto move disabled!
26.06.15 17:06:04 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ addEventNotify(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 43
26.06.15 17:05:52 Successful selected virtual server on port 9987!
26.06.15 17:05:52 Warning: Unable to receive permission list! If wanted, set permission b_serverinstance_permission_list.
26.06.15 17:05:52 ServerQuery Error 2568 @ getList(): insufficient client permissions - Permission ID: 6
26.06.15 17:05:52 Login as "Ts3Bot" successful!
26.06.15 17:05:52 Successful connected to!

Kulingile (not verified)
Gast's picture
Zu wenig Rechte

Bist du der Owner von dem Teamspeak Server? Ich bin nicht so gut im Log lesen aber das sieht für mich so aus als ob der einfach keine Rechte hat um die Leute in den Channeln zu sehen oder zu moven.
Kann sein das ich falsch liege also verlass dich nicht auf meine Aussage.

Lorixon's picture
Hallo NeoPhoenix,

da hat Kuli schon recht. Dein Bot, bzw. der ServerQuery Account, mit dem du den Bot einloggen lässt, braucht ServerAdmin Rechte (mindestens). Welche Rechte du unbedingt brauchst, siehst du hier.

Weiters kannst du auch aus den Fehlermeldungen die Permission IDs abarbeiten. Du findest sie im Log unter: insufficient xxxx permissions - Permssion ID: XX

Hier hast du einen Link zum abarbeiten der IDs. Achte darauf, dass alle diese Rechte dem Bot zugesprochen sind. Melde dich, wenn du hängen bleibst.

Viele Grüße, Lorixon Forenmoderator bei

4tr4s's picture
Dein query zugang hat nicht die nötigen rechte...

Dein query zugang hat nicht die nötigen rechte...

Lorixon's picture
Hallo 4tr4s,

sollte das eine Frage sein? Wenn ja, bitte präzisiere sie bitte. Smile

Viele Grüße, Lorixon Forenmoderator bei