I'm sorry that we're not able to offer this feature at the moment. We are aware that this feature is already given in the newer bot versions but our own webinterface needs to be reconfigured for those updates because of the issue that ours is something special.
I'm not sure when the webinterface and within the bot update is going to be released, but if we know, we'll let you know in these forums.
Lorixon | Supporter @ Webshell.de
Check my Website at lorixon.eu
I'm sorry that we're not able to offer this feature at the moment. We are aware that this feature is already given in the newer bot versions but our own webinterface needs to be reconfigured for those updates because of the issue that ours is something special.
I'm not sure when the webinterface and within the bot update is going to be released, but if we know, we'll let you know in these forums.
Lorixon | Supporter @ Webshell.de
Check my Website at lorixon.eu
Viele Grüße, Lorixon Forenmoderator bei WebShell.de