(English) Giving Right to the bot.

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Gast (not verified)
Gast's picture
(English) Giving Right to the bot.

how do i add the correct rights to the bot?

I got a TS3 running on a external host.
I got the query port correct, but i dont know how to assign rights to the bot... Smile

Can anyone provide a guide in english please? Smile

Regards Tom.

BoKo's picture
(English) Giving Right to the bot.

Hello Tom,

we had a little problem with the bot logging, because of this you didn´t see the correct error, this is fixed now.

Your actually problem is:

ServerQuery Error 520 @ loginTS3(): invalid loginname or password
Critical: Unable to login as "ts3bot"!

Please check your Query username and password which you created for the bot, you can only have 1 serverquery account per identity!

If you have this correct and the bot can connect, i may can check for you if there are problems with the rights.


Viele Grüße
BoKo | WebShell.de Team

beringtom (not verified)
Gast's picture
i have now succefully

i have now succefully connected the bot to our TS3 server, however, the bot seems to loose connection efter 2 mins online?

BoKo's picture
Hello, now your problem


now your problem is:

ServerQuery Error 3331 @ getList(): flood ban

The Bot gets flood banned, you may have non default anti flood settings?

Check this please, the bot is programmed for the default settings.


Viele Grüße
BoKo | WebShell.de Team